The Export Development Board together with the National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA), National Aquaculture Development Authority (NAQDA), and the Live Tropical Fish Exporters Association will conduct a three-day technology transfer program from 26-28 June in order to make aware the ornamental fish breeders, producers and exporters about the new developments in the industry.
The Ornamental Fish Exporters Association has highlighted that lack of latest advanced technology on farming, breeding, disease controlling, packaging and farm management, etc. has hindered the productivity and performance of the ornamental fish industry in Sri Lanka.
During this three-day workshop breeding technology on bee shrimps and neon tetra, genetic manipulation, disease controlling, live feed production technology, bio security measures, new technology in ornamental fish farming, ornamental fish farm management and export marketing will be discussed. Eminent resource personnel from NAQDA, NARA, EDB and the private sector will conduct the workshop in Colombo with practical sessions.
Sri Lankan ornamental fish export sector mainly consists of locally wild caught marine, brackish water and fresh water species as well as captive bred freshwater fish. Currently there are about 40 registered aquarium fish exporters and they are contributing to approximately 2.7% of the world demand. The Guppy ranks the highest fresh water fish species exported by Sri Lanka followed by Swordtails, Angels, Platies, and Tetras, etc. Sri Lanka ornamental fish export in 2018 was $ 16 million. The key markets for Sri Lanka aquarium fish include the USA, Japan, UK, Germany and France. Qatar and Canada has been identified as emerging markets demonstrating high growth in demand for Sri Lankan ornamental fish. At present there are around 65 Sri Lankan ornamental fish exporters in the ornamental fish industry
Considering the global scenario, most of the ornamental fish is sourced from developing countries in the tropical and sub-tropical regions. Over 2,500 fish species are traded in the global ornamental fish industry, of which over 60% are of freshwater origin. Although largely rely on captive bred ornamental fish, the trade also includes significant number of fish and invertebrates collected from wild. It has been estimated that about 30 freshwater fish species dominate the global market such as live bearers, neon tetra, angel fish, gold fish, zebra danio and discus. As a result of advancements in breeding technology more and more species are being added to the assortment every year.
The main objective of the program is to enhance knowledge on new breeding technology, disease controlling and live fish feed production in the ornamental fish industry. It is expected to train around 30-40 breeders/farmers during this three-day workshop.
Source at: Daily FT