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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


EDB’s ICT/BPM sector national brand launch

EDB’s ICT/BPM sector national brand launch


The official brand launch of the Sri Lanka ICT/BPM sector, organized by the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) with Asian Development Bank (ADB) using technical assistance funding from the Japan Fund, will be held at the Lotus Conference Room, BMICH, tomorrow (15-02-2018), a press release stated.

As major ICT players are facing increasing difficulties in coping with global demand, Sri Lanka is emerging as the world's ICT destination of choice, the release added. The island is steadily transforming into the most preferred ICT hub in Asia thanks to the availability of the most precious resource in the world: Talent. Sri Lanka is emerging as a global ICT destination in a number of key focus domain areas and the industry recognizes the importance of branding Sri Lanka as an ICT/BPM-sourcing country.

Sri Lanka has been maintaining an upward trend in annual figures, achieving the US$ 1 billion mark in 2017. More than 300 companies and 85,000 tech-savvy professionals are employed in the sector. The industry targets to achieve US$ 5 billion in exports, provide 200,000 direct jobs and groom 1,000 startups by 2022.

The Sri Lanka ICT/BPM sector has achieved many global accolades during the recent years. Sri Lanka ranked among the top 10 emerging global destinations by Global Services Magazine and is positioned as the 12th in the top-ranking destinations in IBM Global Location Trends Report. It is also ranked in Gartners' 30 leading Location for Offshore Services, included among the Top 9 in Asia Pacific. Further Sri Lanka was ranked at 14 in the AT Kearney's Global Services Location Index (GSLI) in 2016 for financial attractiveness, people skills and availability, and business environment.

The industry and its stakeholders have already taken many steps to build the sector's visibility, such as convening a special committee setup by EDB to look into developing a national ICT/BPM brand, ICTA-, Government and industry commissioned special analyst reports, and engaging PR firms. The sector also won trade promotional programmes in identified markets, and continues promotions in target markets such as US, UK, Europe, Japan, Africa and Middle-East countries.

This national brand launch will benefit Sri Lankan ICT/BPM industry in building commercial relationships between Sri Lankan exporters and global buyers and strengthen the trust and credibility established over past years.

This national brand launch will be a major milestone in the history of Sri Lanka ICT/ BPM industry, the release concluded.

Source at: www.ceylontoday.lk

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