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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


‘Ceylon Spices,’ national brand for spices, to be unveiled

‘Ceylon Spices,’ national brand for spices, to be unveiled


The Export Development Board will launch Sri Lanka’s country-of-origin trade mark for the spices sector today (25th September, 2019) at JAIC Hilton, Colombo. The mark supports growers, processors and manufacturers by helping them clearly identify their products as Sri Lankan-made, and informs customers and consumers that all significant parts, produce, processing and products are of genuine Sri Lankan origin.

Spices & Concentrates sector has been identified as apriority sector under the National Export Strategy (NES) for export promotion. “Become globally recognized as an innovative player in the value added spice market segment” is one of the strategic objectives. Therefore Branding of Spices is identified as apriority action in the NES to achieve a set export target of US$. 880 Mn. from the Spices and Concentrate Sector by 2022.

The Michel Nugawela (Pvt) Ltd developed the brand architecture strategy to express the relationship between Ceylon Cinnamon, Ceylon Pepper and other spices within the portfolio as well as the visual identity or face of the brand that represents the larger ideas captured in the brand definition model.

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