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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


EDB News


Oman hypermarkets ready for Sri Lankan exports


Oman hypermarkets ready for Sri Lankan exports

Delegates comprising seven sourcing directors who represent five companies in Oman on the initiation of the EDB and in coordination with the Sri Lanka Embassy in Oman most of whom own Hypermarket chains had B2B meetings with 45 Sri Lankan exporters ......

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EDB seminar on renewed opportunities for entrepreneurs to enter EU market

2017-06-16/ http://www.ft.lk/article/622543/EDB-seminar-on-renewed-opportunities-for-entrepreneurs-to-enter-EU-market

EDB seminar on renewed opportunities for entrepreneurs to enter EU market

The EDB organised a seminar in association with the Export Product Associations on ‘Renewed Opportunities in EU Market’ with the objective of making the Sri Lankan export community aware of the opportunities under the EU GSP+ concessions when exporting to European Region.

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EDB promotes Made in Sri Lanka at SIAL Canada

2017-06-12/ http://www.ft.lk/article/621429/EDB-promotes-Made-in-Sri-Lanka-at-SIAL-Canada

EDB promotes Made in Sri Lanka at SIAL Canada

The Export Development Board (EDB) organised Sri Lanka’s participation at the ‘SIAL Canada 2017’ from 2-4 May in Toronto Canada in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Consulate in Toronto and the Trade Facilitation Office (TFO) Canada.

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Development of women entrepreneurs to enter international market

2017-06-02/ http://www.ft.lk/article/619435/Development-of-women-entrepreneurs-to-enter-international-market

Development of women entrepreneurs to enter international market

The Sri Lanka Export Development Board organised a half day seminar on the theme ‘Development of Women Entrepreneurs to the International Market’ at the EDB Auditorium, Colombo 02, on 25 May with the objective of creating awareness among women entrepreneurs on business opportunities in the international market, as part of the overall program for developing 2,000 new exporters by 2020.

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EDB promoting exports of ICT services

2017-05-03/ http://www.ft.lk/article/612670/EDB-promoting-exports-of-ICT-services

EDB promoting exports of ICT services

Sri Lanka Export Development Board of Sri Lanka (EDB) with the assistance of Sri Lanka Embassy in Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Japan Information Technology Services Industry Association (JISA) is organising a seminar on Sri Lanka IT in Tokyo on 9 May and participating at Japan IT Week 2017 from 10-12 May at Tokyo big sight, Japan.

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Development Strategies Ministry and EDB conduct symposium on ‘NES’

2017-04-12/ http://www.dailymirror.lk/article/Development-Strategies-Ministry-and-EDB-conduct-symposium-on-NES--127115.html

Development Strategies Ministry and EDB conduct symposium on ‘NES’

The Ministry of Development Strategies and International Trade and the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) conducted the first national symposium for Sri Lanka’s National Export Strategy (NES) with more than 150 public and private sector representatives to plan the next export growth cycle of the country.

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National exports strategy key to development agenda

2017-04-11/ http://www.dailymirror.lk/article/Development-Strategies-Ministry-and-EDB-conduct-symposium-on-NES--127115.html

National exports strategy key to development agenda

Following is the message by Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade Malik Samarawickrama, delivered to mark Sri Lanka’s First National Export Strategy Symposium held at the Temple Trees.

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EDB hosts program in Northern Region to assist entrepreneurs


EDB hosts program in Northern Region to assist entrepreneurs

The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) under the direction of the Ministry of Development Strategies and International Trade launched the first in a series of awareness programmes under the National Programme of Development of 2000 exporters by the year 2020 in Jaffna....

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EDB to Groom 2,000 Entrepreneurs


EDB to Groom 2,000 Entrepreneurs

The Export Development Board (EDB), the apex body for exports in the country, has embarked on a program to groom 2,000 entrepreneurs to enter the global export market which will result in many trickle down benefits to the economy.

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EDB impetus for product, tech upgrade for the export sector


EDB impetus for product, tech upgrade for the export sector

The export sector of Sri Lanka which contributes nearly 20% to the country’s GDP, plays a vital role in achieving the development objectives of the government in terms of, employment generation poverty alleviation and enhancing foreign exchange earnings.

The Government is pursuing an outward looking economic policy and is taking measures to integrate with the rest of the world to connect and compete to reach wider market access through deepening the existing FTAs with India and Pakistan, working on new trade agreements with Asian economies like China and Singapore and possible preferential trade agreements with Thailand, Malaysia and Turkey. All the above and the restoration of GSP+ in the year 2017 and initiatives to boost trade with USA will open up new opportunities for the export sector.

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EDB unveils ‘Info Point’ kiosk to enhance productivity


EDB unveils ‘Info Point’ kiosk to enhance productivity

The Export Development Board (EDB) last week launched a self-service information kiosk, EDB Info Point, to facilitate walk-in visitors to promptly obtain information of its services.

The use of the EDB Info Point will help exporters, potential exporters and the general public who visit EDB to obtain information about intended services such as product exports, market trends and trade statistics and to find a relevant contact point to acquire their requirements in an effective and efficient manner.

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To Coincide with H.E. the president's visit EDB facilitated B2B and product display at Sri Lanka Business forum in Malaysia


To Coincide with H.E. the president's visit EDB facilitated B2B and product display at Sri Lanka Business forum in Malaysia

The EDB facilitated Sri Lankan leading exporters to have fruitful discussions with Malaysian counterparts during the Business Forum themed “Mutual Business Opportunities between Sri Lanka & Malaysia” which was held on the 15th of December, 2016 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Kuala Lumpur with the participation of more than 300 top businessmen from Malaysia.

A Sri Lankan product display was organized during the Business Forum showcasing high quality exportable products viz Ceylon Tea, Virgin Coconut oil, Cashew, Confectionery products, Gems & jewellery, Porcelain Tableware and Handicrafts.

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EDB drives Sri Lanka’s ICT sector to penetrate Japanese market.


EDB drives Sri Lanka’s ICT sector to penetrate Japanese market.

EDB continues the Sri Lanka participation at Japan IT Week 2017 ‍from 10th -12th  May at Tokyo big sight, Japan. Sri Lanka pavilion which will locate in Software and Apps Development Expo (SODEC) could be a launching pad for Sri Lankan ICT companies to enter Japan market.

Japan IT Week http://www.japan-it.jp/en/ ] is truly Japan's largest ICT trade show where you can find any kinds of latest IC T technologies/solutions. A great number of information systems manager, management executives, sales managers, system integrators and managers from IT system division will visit Japan IT Week to conduct business face to face with exhibitors.

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Amendments to Food Act on the Cards


Amendments to Food Act on the Cards

Steps will be taken to amend the Food Act to suit the present times and also support the food processing industry which has enormous potential, State Minister of International Trade Sujeewa Senasinghe told the 10th Exporters Forum at the Export Development Board (EDB) recently.

The Minister was responding to issues raised by meat processors with regard to the excessive time taken to test the quality of food before processing for exports. He said it is time to amend the Food Act which is around 30 years old. The time taken to complete the tests and then process food is too long. It should be done within 10 days as in other countries. “A meeting comprising stakeholders of the food processing industry and quality certifying institutions will be held shortly to solve the issue,” the Minister said.

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Govt. plans to ban cinnamon imports


Govt. plans to ban cinnamon imports

The Government is preparing to revamp entreport schemes for re-exporting key spices from Sri Lanka including pepper, cloves, nutmeg and mace to protect Sri Lanka’s reputation for quality while banning cinnamon imports.      

The proposal spearheaded by the Primary Industries Ministry has already received Cabinet approval and aims to put in place several fresh policies to ensure that spices re-exported from Colombo port are not diluted or incorrectly labelled as originating from Sri Lanka.

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EU, UN launch Rs. 1 billion project to boost SL trade


EU, UN launch Rs. 1 billion project to boost SL trade

The Sri Lankan Government has joined forces with the European Union in embarking on a four-year, 8 million Euro (Rs. 1.3 billion) project, geared towards increasing Sri Lanka’s trade competitiveness in regional and European markets.

The project will be implemented by the International Trade Centre (ITC) and United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) in collaboration with the Sri Lankan Department of Commerce.

Meanwhile, a steering committee co-chaired by the Ministry of Policy Planning and Economic Affairs and the Delegation of the European Union will provide overall direction to the project. Competent national level agencies and apex business entities will also support work-plan development and implementation of activities.

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EDB joins hands with JEDB to promote export oriented commercial agriculture


EDB joins hands with JEDB to promote export oriented commercial agriculture

Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) and the Janatha Estates Development Board (JEDB) has brought together synergies and resources of both organisations for attracting local investors to set up Commercial Agriculture Projects in underutilised and unutilised lands available in JEDB Estates. The private sector, particularly the export community hails this initiative in the backdrop of declining country’s exports.

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BOI roundtable conference for officials and entrepreneurs from China


BOI roundtable conference for officials and entrepreneurs from China

A delegation from China led by Sui Zhong Cheng, Vice Governor of Jilin Province consisting of 33 officials and entrepreneurs from that province visited the BOI with the purpose of exploring avenues for trade and investment.

 The delegation was welcomed by Upul Jayasuriya BOI Chairman and Duminda Ariyasinghe Director General Indira Malwatte, Chairperson of the Export Development Board was also present.  BOI had organized a roundtable conference where the high powered delegation from China met senior officials of the BOI and Export Development Board.

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Jeevani new DG at EDB


Jeevani new DG at EDB

Jeevani Siriwardena has been appointed the new Director General of the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB).

She joined EDB as a Management Trainee in 1984. She counts over 20 years of experience at EDB in Product Management and over 10 years in the Market Development Divisions of EDB.

She handled the product and market development activities of the apparel export sector during its early growth phase and also led the development activities of the other industrial and agricultural product sectors.

Siriwardena has led several overseas marketing missions involving the private sector while also being a part of a number of presidential business delegations. She has extensive foreign market exposure, including in countries such as the US, Europe, South Africa, Japan, China and India. She also served as the Officer in Charge of the EDB-initiated Sri Lanka Trade Centre in Chennai for 15 months.

For a span of two years she worked as a visiting lecturer at the University of Colombo, prior to joining EDB.

She obtained a Bachelor of Commerce Special Degree (second class) in 1982 and a Master’s in Business Studies (Merit) from the University of Colombo. She is also an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK.

Siriwardena had her primary education in Matara where her father served as the AGA and then entered University from Visakha Vidyalaya, Colombo where she obtained colours for tennis and won the national junior and juvenile silver medal for badminton.

At Colombo University she got colours for tennis, badminton and table tennis and captained the men’s and women’s tennis team of the University of Colombo in 1982, winning the Inter-University Challenge Trophy. 

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Punjab performs well to improve entrepreneurship


Punjab performs well to improve entrepreneurship

Chairperson, CEO Export Development Board (EDB), Sri Lanka, Ms Indira Malwatte says Punjab is performing well in improving entrepreneurship through technology in Pakistan. She was addressing a meeting held at Arfa Tower during her visit to Punjab IT Board (PITB) on Tuesday. Chairman PITB, Dr Umar Saif gave a detailed presentation to her on Plan9 and other most flourishing ICT projects and explained how ICT ventures had viably improved methods of governance in Punjab.

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