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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


Global wellness tourism expert Dr. Linser to meet Lankan industry at EDB seminar

Global wellness tourism expert Dr. Linser to meet Lankan industry at EDB seminar


The Sri Lanka Exports Development Board (EDB) has invited Linser Hospitality Austria Managing Director Dr. Franz Linser, who is an internationally renowned wellness tourism expert, to conduct a seminar and consultancy session to the Sri Lankan Wellness Tourism service sector.

The seminar will be held on 27 February from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon at the EDB auditorium.

This is a part of a broad initiative aimed at promoting the Sri Lankan wellness industry, to gain more international recognition for this sector, and promote the country as a destination for high quality wellness service.

The wellness tourism sector has been identified as one of the key sectors for development and promotion in the National Export Strategy [NES], and accordingly, a Plan of Action was developed with key stake holders.

It is a fact that Sri Lanka has a well-established medical system in indigenous medicine, western health services and other alternative medical practices, which make the country an ideal destination for medical travellers. The sector has two strong professional bodies for both Western and indigenous sectors. Sri Lanka offers a wide range of wellness services at luxury Ayurveda resorts, indigenous medicine hospitals, spa & recreation centres and Western hospitals.

The objective of this seminar is to make the industry aware of the trends in the EU for medical travellers, export opportunities for Sri Lankan wellness services and, about how Sri Lanka could tie up with Linser Hospitality to promote the country in the European region.

Dr. Linser is a world renowned wellness tourism expert, with more than twenty years of experience in the luxury wellness and spa industry, and is a much sought-after expert in developing modern innovative health and wellness projects.

Source at: www.ft.lk

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