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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


Embassy of Sri Lanka in Moscow conducts awareness webinar on Ceylon Cinnamon

Embassy of Sri Lanka in Moscow conducts awareness webinar on Ceylon Cinnamon


The Embassy of Sri Lanka in the Russian Federation with the support of the Sri Lanka Export Development Board organised an awareness webinar and provided the essential unique information about Ceylon Cinnamon to the Russian Spices importers and wholesalers, highlighting the differences between the only true cinnamon in the world and other varieties of cinnamon presented today in the Russian market.

The webinar attracted 14 importers and wholesalers from Russia and CCI Samara Region Representative Sofia Storozhenko.

The event started with the introduction of Pure Ceylon Cinnamon and its export potential to the Russian Federation, presented by Sri Lanka Export Development Board Assistant Director Nilmini Wanasinghe. Describing the true Ceylon Cinnamon, Wanasinghe emphasised about the high export potential of Ceylon Cinnamon and stated that it could reach the level of export of Ceylon Tea.

Further, the contribution Pure Ceylon Cinnamon would make to a healthy lifestyle was emphasised by Cinnatopia Ltd. Director of Sales and Marketing Sashika De Silva. Attention was also drawn to the unique characteristics of Ceylon Cinnamon, the production technology, varieties, types and forms of the product, the flavour and health benefits. Differences between true cinnamon and cassia, which is widely available in the Russian market, were also discussed in detail.

For further details please contact:
Russian Federation Embassy of Sri Lanka First Secretary – Commercial Chathurika Perera
via e-mail: [email protected]
or tel: +7 495 6881620 (ext. 13) +7 925 491 5997
or Russian Federation Embassy of Sri Lanka Trade and Tourism Assistance Anna Makarovskaya
via e-mail: [email protected]
or tel: +7 495 6881620 (ext. 18) +7 985 429 5773.

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