Sri Lankan exporters, service providers, and buyers engaged in a full day pilot export marketplace organized by Sri Lanka Export Development Board, Dilmah Conservation and the World Bank Group. Three companies were awarded prizes of US$ 5000 each to strengthen their export value proposition.
The Trade Development Authority functioning under the purview of Ministry of Commerce of Pakistan organised the 10th Expo Pakistan from 7 to 9 November at Karachi Expo Centre, Pakistan.
The Export Development Board (EDB) organised Sri Lanka’s participation at the 14th China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) in Nanning, China from 12-15 September in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Consulate in Guangzhou.
Information and communications technologies (ICTs) are playing an increasingly important role in the implementation of the digitalisation of economic activities and trade which can support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalisation and growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to ICT-enabled financial services.
The 2017 edition of the annual World Export Development Forum (WEDF) kicks off today in Budapest, Hungary under the theme ‘Trade – A Force for Good: Include, Innovate, Integrate’.
The EDB organized a seminar for Women Entrepreneurs on Thursday, 21st September 2017 in District Secretariat, Monaragala with the objective of development of women entrepreneurs to enter to the international market.
The EDB entered into a Letter of Understanding (LoU) with the PUM Netherlands Senior Experts with a view to supporting particularly export oriented Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) by obtaining services of PUM experts from mainly Europe in the areas of technology transfer, process improvement, product development, capacity building and training needs.
EDB organised a seminar for women entrepreneurs on Thursday, 20 July in District Secretariat, Vavuniya with the objective of developing women entrepreneurs to enter to the international market.
Minister of Health and Indigenous Medicine, Rajitha Senaratne, stressed the need for proper documentation and scientific evidence to exist within the practice of native alternative medicine in order for it to be shipped to international markets.
Sri Lanka’s Ayurveda healthcare is garnering the attention of high end tourist market. “Lately, the Japanese travel sector has shown stronger interest in Sri Lanka’s Ayurveda tourism. Last week a Japanese Member of Parliament touring Sri Lanka also has expressed of Japan’s interest in Sri Lanka’s Ayurvedic care for Japanese medical tourists” revealed an upbeat Rishad Bathiudeen (Minister of Industry and Commerce) on 16 May.
The Export Development Board (EDB) has identified the potential growth of global Medical Tourism sector and capability of Sri Lankan medical and health tourism providers. EDB has requested assistance of International Trade Center (ITC) to develop this sector.
Accordingly ITC decided to have a case study in Sri Lanka health /medical tourism sector to access the capabilities of Sri Lanka in this sector and to benchmark Sri Lankan capabilities compared to the global Medical Tourism Industry.