Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 5.75 % y-o-y to US$ 1,093.98 Mn in September 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in export earnings from Apparel & Textiles, Tea, Gems & Jewellery, Electrical & Electronic Components and Spices & Essential Oils.
The Import Promotion Desk (IPD) celebrates its 10th anniversary: Founded in 2012, IPD has been connecting small and medium-sized enterprises from selected developing and emerging countries with European importers. IPD is active in Sri Lanka since 2018. It supports local producers of natural ingredients who want to gain a foothold in the EU market. Since the start of the engagement in Sri Lanka, the IPD-Team has been working closely with partners from the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB). Together they further develop the offer for export companies. IPD contributes its knowledge of the EU market and the demand side and supports the establishment of sustainable export promotion structures.
Stressing the importance of providing a business conducive environment, “the government is focused and has given the highest recognition to exports and investments – to create employment, enhance foreign exchange earnings with economic and social benefits to our people”, the State Minister for Investment Promotion, Hon. Dilum Amunugama said, expressing his views at a meeting held with the Chairmen and representatives of EDB’s Advisory Committees on Thursday, October 14th, at the BOI Auditorium in Colombo.
The inaugural meeting of the Chamber of Marine Industries of Sri Lanka was held at the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) recently (11th October) with the presence of Chairman, EDB and the representatives of the industries of boat and shipbuilding, nautical tourism, chartering, and the marine & offshore industry cluster.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 10.24 % y-o-y to US$ 1,213.7 Mn in August 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in earnings from export of Apparel & Textiles.
Queen Elizabeth II was a true inspiration and stalwart member of the monarchy. As the longest reigning monarch, she has represented and led her country for 70 years, through various circumstances and has been an inspiration and guidance to the United Kingdom and Commonwealth Nations. Her towering strength, leadership and integrity have been a source of pride for people across the world. Queen Elizabeth II selflessly devoted her 70-year reign to public service as well as advocating many important issues.
Sri Lanka’s leading food and organic product exporters urged the nation’s premier product testing laboratories to enhance their levels of efficiency and effectiveness to enable them to provide a superior service to their overseas customers. These sentiments were aired at a meeting organized by the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) on 30th August, 2022, to provide a platform for the exporters and product testing laboratories in the island to share their requirements and capacities with each other.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 2.25 % y-o-y to US$ 1,128.7 Mn in July 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in earnings from export of Apparel & Textiles.
The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) organized an informative webinar on “Opportunities in the Israeli Market” in collaboration with the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Israel together with the support of the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce (FICC) and Israel – Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce on 03rd August, 2022.
The USA market has become extremely viable for Sri Lanka as US buyers are looking to diversify their main supply source. USA is the major export market for Sri Lanka apparel, with an export earnings of US$ 2.12 Bn in 2021 and accounting for 39% of the total apparel exports to the world and 69% of the total product exports to USA from Sri Lanka.
The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) which turned 43 years on the 1st of August is the premier state organization for the development and promotion of exports in Sri Lanka. The Board plays myriad roles in the export sector of the economy, as a policy advisor, monitor, promoter, facilitator and knowledge provider in carrying out its responsibilities of implementing strategies for achieving national export targets.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 20 % y-o-y to US$ 1,208.2 Mn in June 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in earnings from export of Apparel & Textiles, Rubber based products, Coconut based products, Food & Beverages and Seafood.
Sri Lanka marked an important milestone in 2022, with the country receiving its first-ever Geographical Indication (GI) certification from the European Union (EU) Commission. The certification was a result of a decade-long endeavor led by the Sri Lanka Export Development (EDB) with the support of numerous public and private stakeholders.
Organic food production and trade is evolving into a rapidly growing industry across the world. Prompted by a developing inclination for healthy life choices and awareness on the benefits of organic food, a greater number of global consumers are opting for organic products. In the midst of this competitive industry, Sri Lankan producers and manufacturers find themselves in lucrative circumstances.
Recognizing Sri Lanka’s potential in the organic agriculture sector and its’ importance for food security, the European Union (EU), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Export Development Board (EDB) have launched the Organic Agriculture Webinar Series: one-of-a-kind, accessible and educational video episodes that explore a variety of topics including organic certification, organic practices and successful organic farming methods across Sri Lanka. The series, facilitated by local and international experts, will support local producers, sellers and exporters who are looking to expand their businesses to meet demands of the local and European markets.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 9.9 % y-o-y to US$ 980.2 Mn in May 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in earnings from export of Apparel & Textiles, Coconut based products and Electrical & Electronic Components.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 11.87% y-o-y to US$ 915.3 Mn in April 2022, the highest monthly value recorded for the month of April.
Demonstrating its competency and excellence internationally, the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) accomplished another valued achievement by becoming Runner-up at the World Trade Promotion Awards - 2022 under the category of Best initiative for inclusive and sustainable trade for its SME Export Coaching programme which was conducted in late 2021. The 2022 World Trade Promotion Awards were announced at the World Trade Promotion Organizations Conference and Awards in Accra, Ghana, on 17th May.
The Sri Lanka High Commission in South Africa, in collaboration with Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) and the Mozambique Chamber of Commerce & Industry concluded a successful virtual meeting on May 10, 2022, regarding Construction, Engineering Services and Renewable Energy Project opportunities available in Mozambique for Sri Lankan companies.