Earnings from the merchandise exports decreased by 9.7 % y-o-y to US$ 1,044 Mn in December 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the decrease in export earnings from Apparel & Textiles, Tea, Rubber based Products, and Coconut based Products, Food & Beverages, Spices & Essential Oils and Fisheries products.
Sri Lanka Export Development Board presents its flagship statistical publication “Export Performance Indicators 2021”. The latest edition provides statistical information related to Sri Lanka’s external trade and its contribution to major economic indicators such as trade balance, GDP and individual sectoral involvement for the year 2021 and five preceding years.
Earnings from the merchandise exports decreased by 8.18 % y-o-y to US$ 1,094.8 Mn in October 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the decrease in export earnings from Apparel & Textiles, Tea, Rubber based Products, Coconut based Products, Spices & Essential Oils and Fisheries sector. Further, the impact of global crisis also affecting to decrease export earnings of major products.
The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) in collaboration with Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, Board of Investment and Sri Lanka Tea Board has made arrangements to organize a virtual Sri Lanka Country Pavilion at the 5th China International Import Expo (CIIE).
The Sri Lanka High Commission in Maldives and the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) jointly organized a virtual meeting for Sri Lankan Construction Services Companies to interact with the SME & Entrepreneur Federation of Maldives (SEFM), Maldives Contractors’ Association and to learn about the market entry possibilities, procedures and regulations applicable to foreign investments, including joint ventures in civil construction, MEP and Engineering services.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 5.75 % y-o-y to US$ 1,093.98 Mn in September 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in export earnings from Apparel & Textiles, Tea, Gems & Jewellery, Electrical & Electronic Components and Spices & Essential Oils.
Stressing the importance of providing a business conducive environment, “the government is focused and has given the highest recognition to exports and investments – to create employment, enhance foreign exchange earnings with economic and social benefits to our people”, the State Minister for Investment Promotion, Hon. Dilum Amunugama said, expressing his views at a meeting held with the Chairmen and representatives of EDB’s Advisory Committees on Thursday, October 14th, at the BOI Auditorium in Colombo.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 10.24 % y-o-y to US$ 1,213.7 Mn in August 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in earnings from export of Apparel & Textiles.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 2.25 % y-o-y to US$ 1,128.7 Mn in July 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in earnings from export of Apparel & Textiles.
The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) organized an informative webinar on “Opportunities in the Israeli Market” in collaboration with the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Israel together with the support of the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce (FICC) and Israel – Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce on 03rd August, 2022.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 20 % y-o-y to US$ 1,208.2 Mn in June 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in earnings from export of Apparel & Textiles, Rubber based products, Coconut based products, Food & Beverages and Seafood.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 9.9 % y-o-y to US$ 980.2 Mn in May 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in earnings from export of Apparel & Textiles, Coconut based products and Electrical & Electronic Components.
Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 11.87% y-o-y to US$ 915.3 Mn in April 2022, the highest monthly value recorded for the month of April.
The Sri Lanka High Commission in South Africa, in collaboration with Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) and the Mozambique Chamber of Commerce & Industry concluded a successful virtual meeting on May 10, 2022, regarding Construction, Engineering Services and Renewable Energy Project opportunities available in Mozambique for Sri Lankan companies.
Sri Lanka’s merchandise exports increased by 9.91% to US$ 1,046 Million in February 2022 compared to February 2021 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. Further, it is a 5.8% increase when compared to February 2020.
Sri Lanka’s merchandise exports increased by 13% to US$ 1,062.63 Million in January 2022 compared to January 2021 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. Further, it is a 5.7% increase when compared to January 2020.
The Sri Lanka Embassy in Nepal and the Export Development Board of Sri Lanka (EDB) jointly organized a virtual meeting for Sri Lankan Construction Companies to interact with the Nepal Ministry of Physical Infrastructure & Transport (MPIT) and learn about procedures and regulations applicable to foreign investors, including for joint ventures.
Trade Minister Hon Bandula Gunawardhana presented cheques and certificates to potential and existing exporters who were selected as beneficiaries under several EDB-led assistance schemes on 28th January, 2022, during a function held at JAIC Hilton hotel. The beneficiaries were chosen under the EDB assistance programmes on National Export Brand Development, New Exporter Development, and Market Access Support.
Sri Lanka’s merchandise exports increased by 16.71% to US$ 1,125.69 Million in December 2021 compared to December 2020 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. In parallel, 12.48% increase recorded in December 2021 compared to December 2019.