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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


EDB News


Sri Lanka Plast and Rubexpo launch in August


Sri Lanka Plast and Rubexpo launch in August

Enterprising Fairs India Limited, a B2B exhibition company from India, has collaborated with the Plastics and Rubber Institute of Sri Lanka (PRISL), to conduct their second edition of Sri Lanka Plast – a Plastics Expo and the first edition of Rubexpo – a Rubber Expo on 14, 15 and 16 August 2014 at BMICH, Colombo. The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC), Export Development Board (EDB), Industrial Development Board (IDB), Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka (RRISL) and Central Institute of Plastics and Engineering Technology, a government body of India (CIPET) have also extended their support to these B2B exhibitions.

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Plastics, Rubber make promising start in 2014


Plastics, Rubber make promising start in 2014

The Plastics and Rubber Industry in Sri Lanka (PRISL), the apex organization focused on the training and development of manpower needed to the emerging requirements of the plastics and rubber based industries in Sri Lanka, has successfully accomplished three significant events

A Joint venture with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce

PRISL achieved a significant milestone in its history of 55 years when it launched a training programme on the practical aspects of rubber processing technology, with the support of Rishad Bathiudeen, Minister of Industry and Commerce.

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Morocco looking for more trade, JVS with Sri Lanka


Morocco looking for more trade, JVS with Sri Lanka

Morocco has shown keen interest to boost trade and industrial cooperation with Sri Lanka.

“We need to expand our bilateral trade as well as our industrial cooperation. Investors from both countries can also enter into joint ventures in many sectors; we are strong in rubber and fishery -technologies that Sri Lanka can benefit from us considerably,” said Moroccan Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Larbi Reffouch during his recent meeting with Industry and Commerce Minister Rishad Bathiudeen at the Export Development Board.

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