Transforming Sri Lanka into the hub of the Indian Ocean, with a knowledge-based, highly competitive and social-market economyis the objective of the Vision 2025 policy document of the Government.Making the transistion to anexport, FDI and tourism orientedcountry is the only optionfor Sri Lanka to create better jobs for the youth of our country and to graduate to a higher income economy.
As per the instructions of the Hon. Malik Samarawickrama, Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade, Export Development Board organized a meeting with the key Exporters and Investors on Friday 03rd May 2019 at the 3rd Floor Auditorium to discuss the current situation of the country.
Sri Lanka’s share in the global export market and the contribution of exports to the national GDP has been in decline whereas imports to the country is in the increase. Further exports are dependent on imported inputs therefore, it is noted that the gap between export and import has been continuously increasing.
The EDB has identified BioFach as one of the best places to promote Sri Lankan organic products to the EU region and other countries. EDB in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany organized a national pavilion in an area of 117 s.qm at hall no 02 which was reserved for international exhibitors and most of the EU buyers visited to this hall.
The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Brazil successfully organised a three-day trade and tourism promotional event in Sao Paulo, the commercial capital of Brazil, from 20 to 22 February. The event drew the interest of a large number of prominent Brazilian importers, trade consultants, officials of trade associations, travel journalists and travel trade industries based in Sao Paulo.
The World Expo is one of the oldest and largest international events taking place every 5 years and lasting for 6 month where everyone can learn, innovate and create progress by sharing ideas and working together through a common theme. United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been selected as the host country for the forthcoming event to be held in year 2020. This World Expo will be held for a period of six months from 20th October 2020 to 10th April 2021 in Dubai under the theme “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future”. The World Expo in Dubai in 2020 will be the first to be held in the MENA & SA (Middle East and North Africa & South Asia Region.
UAE is blessed with a strategic location between the East and West, which makes it accessible to major emerging economies, linking shipping routes and facilitating goods' transportation between the various regions in Middle East, Asia, Europe and Africa. Understanding the preciousness of the location, the business community has launched GULFOOD Food & Beverage exhibition in 1987 in Dubai and the exhibition has grown to promote F&B trade between more than 180 countries annually. In 2018 Gulfood set records with 97,000 visitors attending and over 5000 companies from over 185 different countries exhibiting their products.
Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) has made a formal request to the Quarantine Authorities of China for obtaining quarantine clearance for in a bid to support Sri Lankan Agri-entrepreneurs in gaining new ground in China’s organic market.
Sri Lanka’s merchandise and service exports in 2018 are estimated to have hit an all-time high of $ 17 billion, up 15% from a year earlier prompting the Government to be confident of achieving the $20 billion milestone this year.
The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Embassy in Japan organized an Inward Buyer Delegation from Japan, from 3rd to 5th December 2018 with the objective of developing business linkages between Sri Lankan companies and the Japanese buyers as well as to increase awareness among Sri Lankan exporters on the Japanese market.
NOCU organized an awareness workshop for the stakeholders engaged in organic agriculture related activities to educate them on the role of NOCU and international market prospects for organic agriculture products. Workshop was held on 29th November 2018 at the EDB 3rd Floor Auditorium. This workshop was organized for Growers/Farmers, Processors, Traders, Exporters, Importers Other organic related entrepreneurs etc.
The 22nd Presidential Export Awards Ceremony was held to celebrate the outstanding achievements of the Exporters at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH) in Colombo, on September 18, 2018, under the patronage of His Excellency Maithripala Sirisena the President of Sri Lanka.
Following is the address by Minister Malik Samarawickrama at the Presidential Export Awardson 18 September
Sri Lanka is the leading exporter of true cinnamon to the world and holds 80% of the world market share for true cinnamon.....
A delegation from Nagano Employers’ Association in Nagano Prefecture, Japan visited Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) with the objective of increasing awareness on Sri Lankan key export products and services...........
Hatton National Bank (HNB) in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) has introduced a new export credit scheme for the benefit of small and medium-scale exporters in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lankan exporters, service providers, and buyers engaged in a full day pilot export marketplace organized by Sri Lanka Export Development Board, Dilmah Conservation and the World Bank Group. Three companies were awarded prizes of US$ 5000 each to strengthen their export value proposition.
The Trade Development Authority functioning under the purview of Ministry of Commerce of Pakistan organised the 10th Expo Pakistan from 7 to 9 November at Karachi Expo Centre, Pakistan.
Information and communications technologies (ICTs) are playing an increasingly important role in the implementation of the digitalisation of economic activities and trade which can support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalisation and growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to ICT-enabled financial services.
The 2017 edition of the annual World Export Development Forum (WEDF) kicks off today in Budapest, Hungary under the theme ‘Trade – A Force for Good: Include, Innovate, Integrate’.