Following is the address by Minister Malik Samarawickrama at the Presidential Export Awardson 18 September
Sri Lanka Export Development Board organised an awareness program for the entrepreneurs of the Southern Province on the national program to establish 2,000 new exporters. The program was held at the Sanaya Hotel, Matara on Friday, 11 May.
A delegation from Nagano Employers’ Association in Nagano Prefecture, Japan visited Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) with the objective of increasing awareness on Sri Lankan key export products and services...........
Sri Lankan exporters, service providers, and buyers engaged in a full day pilot export marketplace organized by Sri Lanka Export Development Board, Dilmah Conservation and the World Bank Group. Three companies were awarded prizes of US$ 5000 each to strengthen their export value proposition.
Information and communications technologies (ICTs) are playing an increasingly important role in the implementation of the digitalisation of economic activities and trade which can support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalisation and growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to ICT-enabled financial services.
The 2017 edition of the annual World Export Development Forum (WEDF) kicks off today in Budapest, Hungary under the theme ‘Trade – A Force for Good: Include, Innovate, Integrate’.
The EDB organized a seminar for Women Entrepreneurs on Thursday, 21st September 2017 in District Secretariat, Monaragala with the objective of development of women entrepreneurs to enter to the international market.
The EDB entered into a Letter of Understanding (LoU) with the PUM Netherlands Senior Experts with a view to supporting particularly export oriented Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) by obtaining services of PUM experts from mainly Europe in the areas of technology transfer, process improvement, product development, capacity building and training needs.
Delegates comprising seven sourcing directors who represent five companies in Oman on the initiation of the EDB and in coordination with the Sri Lanka Embassy in Oman most of whom own Hypermarket chains had B2B meetings with 45 Sri Lankan exporters ......
The Export Development Board (EDB) organised Sri Lanka’s participation at the ‘SIAL Canada 2017’ from 2-4 May in Toronto Canada in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Consulate in Toronto and the Trade Facilitation Office (TFO) Canada.
The Ministry of Development Strategies and International Trade and the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) conducted the first national symposium for Sri Lanka’s National Export Strategy (NES) with more than 150 public and private sector representatives to plan the next export growth cycle of the country.
Following is the message by Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade Malik Samarawickrama, delivered to mark Sri Lanka’s First National Export Strategy Symposium held at the Temple Trees.
SLEDB organized a technical exposure and awareness programme in Israel from 10-15 September 2014, for a group of growers of the Sri Lanka Protected Agriculture Entrepreneurs Association in the Central province, to provide training & awareness on intensive cultivation methods of fresh fruits & vegetables , other protected agriculture systems, efficient management of water resources & soil, open field irrigation methods, post harvest handling, export packaging and marketing.
The programme was conducted with the assistance of the Honorary Consulate of the Israel, The Sri Lankan Embassy in Israel, MASHAV (Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation) and CINADCO (Center for International Agricultural Development Cooperation) which is functioning under the Department of Agriculture & Rural Development in Israel.
Sri Lanka's apex export entity – EDB, yesterday claimed that some non-registered exporters with no knowledge of procedures have brought a bad reputation for Sri Lanka.
EDB pointed out that, the European Commission Director General of Health and Consumers had recently informed the National Plant Quarantine Services of Sri Lanka that some consignments of fresh fruits and vegetables (only) exported to EU and Switzerland were contaminated with pests, and that of 350 fresh fruits and vegetables (only) consignments that entered the EU from 2011 to date, 292 were contaminated with pests.
The North Western Provincial office of the Sri Lanka Export Development Board, successfully conducted the awareness seminar/workshop on fruits & vegetables for the export market on 24th March 2014 in Anuradhapura with the participation of 115 fruits & vegetable farmers in North Central Province. The programme was organized by NWP-EDB with the assistance of Department of Agriculture, National Plant Quarantine Service and Lanka Fruits & Vegetable Producers, Processors & Exporters Association.
The main objective of conducting this seminar was to increase the capacity of Fruits & Vegetable farmers in the North Central Province by way of enhancing Technical/Market awareness and facilitating linkages between farmers and exporters in order to develop consolidated supply base of quality fruits & vegetables for exports from Regions.
Algeria is inviting Sri Lankan businesses to export tea, fruit and vegetable juices and many other products to that country, the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce announced.
This invitation was made by Echarif Mohammed-Hacene, Ambassador for Algeria in Sri Lanka and India, when he visited the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, accompanied by Consul General for Algeria in Sri Lanka, Mukthar Marikkar.
He held a meeting with CEO/Secretary General of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce Harin Malwatte, while Lilakshi De Mel, Senior Assistant Secretary General of the Chamber, was also present. During the meeting, the ambassador said, Sri Lanka can exports items such as, tea, fruits and vegetable juices, textiles, garments specially semi-finished traditional garments for women and spices.
Ambassador Echarif says, the Algerian consumers prefer to drink blended tea with mint and sugar and also would like to purchase tea in consumer bags.
Processors and exporters in combination have achieved as at today a 20 % increase in export revenue compared to last year, said Bandula Egodage, Chairman Export Development Board addressing the Lanka Fruit and vegetable Producers, Processors and Exporters Association's 32nd AGM on Wednesday.
He said the industry has earned US$ 32.5 million export earnings in 2012 which was very significant because members of the association were engaged in agriculture. He said the members of the association were playing a vital role in terms of rural development in Sri Lanka and was engaged in a huge CSR campaign which was more vital than figures. He said value addition was vital to overcome rising input costs.
Japan’s ITOCHU Corporation will help further strengthen Japan-Sri Lanka trade ties under which investments are to be for expanding the island’s banana and tuna fishing industries and greater export opportunities will be provided for products.
Kouhei Watanebe, Chairman , the Japan - Sri Lanka Business Co-operation Councial and advisor to ITOCHU corporation said this when he and the corporation’s representatives met Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa at the ministry office on Tuesday June 25.