Hatton National Bank (HNB) in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) has introduced a new export credit scheme for the benefit of small and medium-scale exporters in Sri Lanka.
Sri Lankan exporters, service providers, and buyers engaged in a full day pilot export marketplace organized by Sri Lanka Export Development Board, Dilmah Conservation and the World Bank Group. Three companies were awarded prizes of US$ 5000 each to strengthen their export value proposition.
As Sri Lanka’s pro-growth reforms gather pace, amidst an improving external economic environment, exports and Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) have shown substantial increases this year compared to last year, the Development Strategy and International Trade Ministry said.
Information and communications technologies (ICTs) are playing an increasingly important role in the implementation of the digitalisation of economic activities and trade which can support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalisation and growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to ICT-enabled financial services.
Central Europe’s first ever World Export Development Forum (WEDF) in Hungary this week has drawn a large Sri Lankan private sector delegation put together by the Export Development Board.
The 2017 edition of the annual World Export Development Forum (WEDF) kicks off today in Budapest, Hungary under the theme ‘Trade – A Force for Good: Include, Innovate, Integrate’.
The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) jointly organized a Business Seminar on "Explore Business Opportunities through Hong Kong" on Friday, 29th September, 2017 at Galle Face Hotel, Sri Lanka.
The EDB organized a seminar for Women Entrepreneurs on Thursday, 21st September 2017 in District Secretariat, Monaragala with the objective of development of women entrepreneurs to enter to the international market.
The EDB entered into a Letter of Understanding (LoU) with the PUM Netherlands Senior Experts with a view to supporting particularly export oriented Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) by obtaining services of PUM experts from mainly Europe in the areas of technology transfer, process improvement, product development, capacity building and training needs.
Sri Lanka’s most innovative bank, HNB PLC working in close collaboration with the Export Development Board of Sri Lanka (EDB) announced the launch of HNB SME Export Credit, a pioneering new facility specially designed to meet the requirements and aspirations of Sri Lanka’s burgeoning Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector.
Delegates comprising seven sourcing directors who represent five companies in Oman on the initiation of the EDB and in coordination with the Sri Lanka Embassy in Oman most of whom own Hypermarket chains had B2B meetings with 45 Sri Lankan exporters ......
The EDB organised a seminar in association with the Export Product Associations on ‘Renewed Opportunities in EU Market’ with the objective of making the Sri Lankan export community aware of the opportunities under the EU GSP+ concessions when exporting to European Region.
The Export Development Board (EDB) organised Sri Lanka’s participation at the ‘SIAL Canada 2017’ from 2-4 May in Toronto Canada in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Consulate in Toronto and the Trade Facilitation Office (TFO) Canada.
The Sri Lanka Export Development Board organised a half day seminar on the theme ‘Development of Women Entrepreneurs to the International Market’ at the EDB Auditorium, Colombo 02, on 25 May with the objective of creating awareness among women entrepreneurs on business opportunities in the international market, as part of the overall program for developing 2,000 new exporters by 2020.
Following is the message by Minister of Development Strategies and International Trade Malik Samarawickrama, delivered to mark Sri Lanka’s First National Export Strategy Symposium held at the Temple Trees.
Steps will be taken to amend the Food Act to suit the present times and also support the food processing industry which has enormous potential, State Minister of International Trade Sujeewa Senasinghe told the 10th Exporters Forum at the Export Development Board (EDB) recently.
The Minister was responding to issues raised by meat processors with regard to the excessive time taken to test the quality of food before processing for exports. He said it is time to amend the Food Act which is around 30 years old. The time taken to complete the tests and then process food is too long. It should be done within 10 days as in other countries. “A meeting comprising stakeholders of the food processing industry and quality certifying institutions will be held shortly to solve the issue,” the Minister said.