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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


EDB Blog


Ceylon Cinnamon reigns supreme in the global Cinnamon market


Ceylon Cinnamon reigns supreme in the global Cinnamon market

Sri Lanka is the largest producer of Pure Cinnamon in the world accounting for 70% of the global production. The Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zelanicum) referred to as “sweet cinnamon” and “true cinnamon” is considered superior to the variety known as Cassia in the global market.

Since Sri Lanka is the birthplace of true cinnamon, all the customs, traditions, culture and technology associated with cinnamon are well integrated as a heritage to the socio economy of our nation.

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GSP+, fisheries recovery, stronger FTAs under focus in 100-day push


GSP+, fisheries recovery, stronger FTAs under focus in 100-day push

The recovery of export streams and markets damaged through neglect and weak international relations is a major priority in Sri Lanka’s ‘100-day Global Trade Blueprint’, which was unveiled for the first time in Colombo.

The new Government also revealed that Sri Lanka’s exports as a share of GDP, is not at a low of 15% as generally believed but is at 20%.

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Sri Lankan tea exporters enjoy a great slice of the global tea market.


Sri Lankan tea exporters enjoy a great slice of the global tea market.

The past three years from 2012-2014 saw a renaissance in Ceylon Tea with the year 2013 breaking all records and the 2014 figures just released surpassing even that of 2013, recording the highest ever export earnings of $ 1.61 billion (Rs. 210.2 billion) which is a 5.43 % growth over 2013 and a FOB price of US$ 4.95 per kg, which is a 3.1 % growth over 2013 which were all records for the 147 year old history of the Sri Lankan tea industry.

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DSI Dominates Design Awards, bagging Best Design Award at Footwear and Leather Fair 2015


DSI Dominates Design Awards, bagging Best Design Award at Footwear and Leather Fair 2015

The Sri Lankan footwear market leader, DSI dominated the Design Award Ceremony held on 8th February 2015 at BMICH. Held parallel to the Footwear and Leather Fair 2015, which was held from 6th to 8th February at the BMICH, the Awards Ceremony celebrated the best and brightest of the industry. The exhibition was organised jointly by the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) and Industrial Development Board (IDB) in collaboration with the Footwear and Leather Goods Manufacturers Association in Sri Lanka as an endeavour to assist and upgrade the local manufacturers and designers.

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Sri Lanka’s EDB opens online portal for service exporters


Sri Lanka’s EDB opens online portal for service exporters

Sri Lanka's Export Development Board (EDB) said that it has opened a web portal for service exporters as a one stop for them to link with international partners.

The portal named as www. srilankaservicexport.com is free for exporters, the EDB said in a media statement.

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Larger presence of Sri Lankan exporters at Gulfood 2015 in Dubai


Larger presence of Sri Lankan exporters at Gulfood 2015 in Dubai

Fifty Sri Lankan companies participated at the Gulfood 2015 in Dubai from 8-12 February displaying food and beverage products such as tea, spices, processed food, soft drinks, biscuits, virgin coconut oil, dried fruit, herbal products, etc.

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Sri Lanka's exports increase 9 percent in December pushing 2014 total to US$ 11 billion


Sri Lanka's exports increase 9 percent in December pushing 2014 total to US$ 11 billion

Sri Lanka's merchandise exports continued on its growth trend in 2014 to a total of over US$ 11 billion with an increase of 9 percent in the month of December, the Export Development Board (EDB) reported.

According to the latest data from the EDB, Sri Lanka's exports for 2014 rose 6.67 percent from the previous totaling US$11.079 billion. The figure, which only represents earnings from provisional merchandise, is expected to rise when the service exports values included.

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Sri Lanka’s footwear & leather exports double within a year


Sri Lanka’s footwear & leather exports double within a year

Sri Lanka’s footwear and leather exports have doubled within a short period of one year and posted the highest revenues so far in recent times-and the sector lauds praise on the Industry and Commerce Minister for the provision of first modern tannery complex for them, as reported on 06 February.

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Footwear and Leather Fair on February 6 - 8


Footwear and Leather Fair on February 6 - 8

The seventh edition of Footwear and Leather Fair Exhibition organized by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in association with Sri Lanka Export Development Board will be held from February, 6 - 8, 2015 at Sirimavo Bandaranaike Exhibition Centre –BMICH.

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A heritage of excellence:  the wonderful history of Ceylon Tea


A heritage of excellence: the wonderful history of Ceylon Tea

Sri Lankan tea (known for generations as Ceylon Tea) carries behind it a heritage and success story like no other. The story of Ceylon tea begins over two hundred years ago, when the country was still a British colony. In 1824 a tea plant was brought to Ceylon by the British from China and was planted in the Royal Botanical Gardens in Peradeniya for non-commercial purposes. Further experimental planting of tea had begun in 1839 with tea plants brought from Assam and Calcutta through the East India Company.

Commercial cultivation of tea commenced in Sri Lanka by the Scotsman, James Taylor. He arrived Sri Lanka in 1852 and settled down in Loolecondera estate in Kandy. Taylor visited India in 1866 to learn the basics of growing tea on plantations. Following his return, he started a 19 acre tea plantation in Loolecondera estate in 1867. Soon enough plantations surrounding Loolecondera such as Hope, Rookwood and Mooloya began transforming into tea plantations and were amongst the first tea estates established on the island. Taylor started a fully equipped tea factory in Loolecondera estate in 1872. In 1875 Taylor managed to send the first shipment of Ceylon tea to London tea auction.

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JITF 2015 – set to enhance the northern economy


JITF 2015 – set to enhance the northern economy

The Jaffna International Trade Fair (JITF), the most comprehensive and ‘looked forward to’ exhibition in the North will be held for the sixth consecutive year in the heart of Jaffna from the 23rd- 25th of January 2015..

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‘Lanka FTA will be very big news back home’–Yunnan Province


‘Lanka FTA will be very big news back home’–Yunnan Province

As bilateral trade topped $ 3Bn, Sri Lanka’s exports sector is readying one of the strongest ever delegations to this year’s Kunming international expo while Lanka’s second largest global supplier voiced that it is increasingly upbeat on the prospective FTA between both countries-and the $ 190 Bn Yunnan province is keen for a Corporate Agreement with Lanka’s apex export entity, a first, as revealed on 13 January.

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Jan-Nov exports at $10 B


Jan-Nov exports at $10 B

Sri Lanka’s January–November exports have notched $10.1 Bn driven by 'across the board' surge and specifically led by apparel and industrial products and the crucial apparel volumes appear to be almost on its annual earnings target. “Several sub sectors including apparel and fishery have delivered and sustained our year on year growth” said Bandula Egodage, Chairman & CEO of EDB on 30 December.

EDB Chairman Egodage was commenting on the provisional top-line export data presented to him by his Directors in Colombo on 30 December at EDB..

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26 Reputed Sri Lankan Exporting Companies to Participate in Gulfood 2015


26 Reputed Sri Lankan Exporting Companies to Participate in Gulfood 2015

Established over 25 years, Gulfood has a well deserved reputation amongst the exporters for delivering spectacular return on investment. While being the Middle East’s leading exhibition dedicated to the food service and hospitality sectors, Gulfood is also the most influential annual Food and Hospitality show in the world. For the exporters seeking new sales from the Middle East, Africa and South Asia, Gulfood provides a trade and sourcing platform without equal, where international flavours find world-class business. With the record participation by the global companies, Gulfood is the metaphorical birthplace for a massive number of international business opportunities. Gulfood 2015 is scheduled to be held from 8th to 12th of February, 2015 in Dubai, UAE.

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Apparel exports top US$ 4.3 b upto Nov 2014


Apparel exports top US$ 4.3 b upto Nov 2014

The value of Sri Lanka’s total apparel exports for the first 11 months last year reached US$ 4302.4 million, registering 11% per cent growth. In 2013, Apparel exports had generated US$ 3876 million during the period January to November.

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Bangladesh, Sri Lanka near to historic trade pact


Bangladesh, Sri Lanka near to historic trade pact

As both Bangladesh and Sri Lanka moved closer to their historic trade pact, the process took a new turn as a keen Bangladeshi private sector itself stepping in to accelerate it on 27 November, a rare development in an on-going Lankan trade negotiations-and bilateral trade between both countries has jumped by a strong 67%.

“I will meet our Commerce Minister who is very well meaning and serious, and inform him to expedite the FTA process” said Mahbubur Rahman (President, International Chamber of Commerce of Bangladesh ICCB) on Thursday (27) in Colombo. ICCB President Rahman was addressing Rishad Bathiudeen.

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Sri Lankan Apparel: Superior Quality, Iconic Designs & Ethical Business Practices


Sri Lankan Apparel: Superior Quality, Iconic Designs & Ethical Business Practices

The storied iconic brands in the fashion industry, say, Nike, Diesel, Victoria’s Secrets, Mark & Spencer, H & M, GAP, NEXT, Levi’s among many others that are synonymous with exceptional fashion clothing rely on Sri Lanka as their topmost Apparel Sourcing Destination. Sri Lankan Apparel Exports mainly include Casual Wear, Fashion Wear, Intimate Wear, Swim Wear, Sports Wear, Uniform & Workwear and Children's Wear.

Thanks to an abundance of trainable and skilled labour force, technology infrastructure and visionary leadership, Sri Lankan Apparel  industry has seen rapid growth and earned the trust and loyalty from the world leading Fashion brands that are unblinkingly strict about quality and socially compliant manufacturing practices.

Amidst a number of countries that export apparel, Sri Lanka enjoys a privileged position as a prime sourcing destination for garments without guilt. At the heart of this phenomenal success lies the philosophy that ‘Ethical Business is not a practice but a way of life’. The official website of Joint Apparel Association Forum (JAAF) proclaims “We take pride in saying that Ethical Business Practices and Responsible Commerce at Sri Lanka's Apparel Industry are not a response to increasing need and demand for 'Ethical Products' and satisfy Business Compliance, but has been a Way of Life for last 30 years across the 350 plants and over 1 Million strong workforce.”

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Savour the Unique Flavour and Countless Health Benefits of Pure Ceylon Tea


Savour the Unique Flavour and Countless Health Benefits of Pure Ceylon Tea

The delicious aroma that emanates as a few spoonfuls of Ceylon tea hit the simmering water in the white jug patterned with tea-buds every morning is refreshing forever. A sip of the steaming cup feels great on the tongue tickling the taste-buds. A great aroma with a fabulous taste, Ceylon Tea is beyond compare. Whether it’s in the morning or in the evening, a hot cup of tea is always a delectable drink.

But, as the Book of Tea, Kakuzo Okakura’s 1906 philosophical treatise on tea says, tea had been a medicine long before it became a beverage. The potent natural antioxidants that abound in green & black tea can protect regular tea drinkers from a number of degenerative diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer and diabetes.

Heart Disease

Continual consumption of correctly brewed Ceylon Tea is known to decrease the oxidation of fat. Catechins in green tea, theaflavins and thearubigins in black tea can inhibit lipid oxidation and plaque formation (which can cause heart disease), whilst cutting cholesterol. Regular consumption of tea is also known to reduce blood clotting. Blood clotting heightens the risk of coronary thrombosis.

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Maldives-Sri Lanka, 'a unique friendship'


Maldives-Sri Lanka, 'a unique friendship'

Head of the Maldivian delegation Quasim Ibrahim addressing business entrepreneurs at the Maldives-Sri Lanka interactive business session on Tuesday said that the Maldives and Sri Lanka had been enjoying a unique friendship born of traditional ties in ethnicity, language and culture. These bonds signified historical ties that date back hundreds of years. The relationship had been served well by geographic proximity, frequent travel and brisk trade.

The session was organized by the Sri-Lanka Maldives Bilateral Business Council in association with the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and was held at the Hilton.

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ICA to host 16th Congress in Sri Lanka


ICA to host 16th Congress in Sri Lanka

The International Colored Gem Stones Congress(ICA), the sole global think-tank which serves to benefit the colored gemstone industries have chosen Sri Lanka as its host country for its 16th congress to be held in May 16th - 19th, 2015 in Colombo at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel.

This is the second time that Sri Lanka will be hosting the prestigious ICA event which prides itself for uniting various segments of the colored gem trade. The theme for the event is `Sapphire and MORE`. A `Facets Congress Gem Show` will also be held from May 15th to 18th at same venue.

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