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    Sri Lanka's Apex Organisation for Export Promotion


  • MAS Holdings


    Inspiring the world with design, innovation and excellence, MAS Holdings has established themselves as the preferred supplier of the world’s foremost fashion brands. A company built on a far reaching idea 25 years ago, MAS exuberates the perfect blend of daring, creativity and visionary thinking that has earned them global acclaim.

    The legacy began in 1986, when three brothers, Mahesh, Ajay and Sharad Amalean took on what seemed to be an unconventional product choice of the time, and went on to pioneer the art of lingerie manufacturing in the South Asian region. Today MAS is one of Asia’s leading manufacturers of intimate apparel, sportswear, performance wear and swimwear, with an annual turnover of over USD 1 billion. Their 41 state-of-the-art facilities spread over 10 countries provide employment to over 60,000 people.

    MAS’s customer portfolio include strategic partnerships with global brands Victoria’s Secret and Nike, as well as world-renowned brands such as Marks and Spencer, DBA, lululemon, Soma, Columbia Sportswear, Ralph Lauren and Banana Republic.

    Global design studios located across the world have developed into a vital value addition for MAS, and by integrating lean manufacturing principles through MAS Operating System (MOS), the business is transforming into a lean enterprise, delivering speed and agility to customers. MAS’s investment in people & resources is facilitating innovation throughout the value chain. Today, MAS is a vertically integrated powerhouse with the ability to offer an extensive range of services from design to delivery.

    MAS also set off a ‘green wave’ in the industry with Thurulie, the world’s first purpose built eco-manufacturing plant. Rated LEED Platinum by the US Green Building Council and profiled as a Global Best Practice in sustainability, Thurulie has influenced the way apparel is being made across the region.

    Having achieved unparalleled excellence as a global apparel and textile manufacturer, MAS Holdings has broadened their focus, diversifying into sectors related to fashion and lifestyle. Their efforts are focused in managing a portfolio of businesses in IT, Brands and Industrial Parks, with an active presence in North America, Europe and Asia. MAS Holdings also owns Sri Lanka’s first international lingerie brand, amanté, launched exclusively in India and Sri Lanka. The brand’s unique selling point remains their customer centric innovation and value premium positioning.

    With a global team distinguished by their passion and drive for excellence, MAS nurtures people into world class champions, operationally and sustainably empowering their employees to not only be exceptional in their jobs, but also in their expected role in society, one which the company takes very seriously. They draw strength and support from their communities as a responsible corporate, investing in their well-being and that of future generations.

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