Operating in a global network of suppliers, Green Connect, a member of the DFG family of companies, provides customized solutions to the needs for decorative foliage
Green Connect is a young and dynamic organization with a feel for the market and sufficient flexibility to take advantage of new trends and changes. The company is always looking for the best quality and logistics solutions for to serve both the customer and grower. The head office and logistics center is located just outside the Flora Holland Aalsmeer auction.
Green Connect has three locations on the three export auctions where serve Dutch export customers.
Aralia to Umbrella Fern, decorative greenery is the finishing touch to the bouquet or flower arrangement. This complete range of decorative greenery can be found with the company. The salespeople will help the customers with their purchase of decorative greenery. And of course 24 / 7 you can use the web shop for info and orders.
The company started in 2005 under the name VZH Greens and in 2006 joined the DFG family of companies. Competence for linking supply and demand gets even clearer as at 1st of January 2012 its name Green Connect is chosen.
Green connect has 4 locations, 3 of those located on the bigger flower auctions in Holland.
Below you will find the contact details for the locations and departments within Green Connect.
Phone: +31 174632202
Fax : +31 174631915
Phone: +31 714094463
Fax : +31 714021174
As a result of consistent quality and the internal monitoring system which ensures stable quality, Corona Leaf products always meet customers' expectations.
This product line is supplied by a selected group of producers who in their turn pay extra attention to the consistency and quality of the product. Only these producers deserve to supply Corona Leaf products.
Corona Leaf, a line of reliable products on which customer can trust and expand. Corona Leaf is a registered trademark and has a specially designed packaging line.
The Corona Leaf brand has additional support in the promotion and marketing activities. It is a well known brand for the market and thus recognizable for customers.
Has the buyer sourced from Sri Lanka before? Yes
Trade Fairs that the buyer frequently visits
Aalsmeer auction
Purchasing Arrangements
The choice of packaging is carefully examined but also has other aspects such as recycling of materials etc.
Miscanthus "Green"
Length (in cm) 50-60
Branches per bunch 50
VBN-nr. 15789
Origin Sri Lanka
Foliage grass, white colour
Also known as China Grass
To get supply and demand even closer together in order to get better results for all parties is the foundation of the company's vision for the future.
The customer will require more direct influence to specify his needs at the producer. The producer will however need to have more insight and planning of our markets.
To bring the parties together and play a coordinating role in this process. This takes care of both producer and customer and the customer can focus on its customers and the producer can focus on producing a quality product.
Keep a responsibility that our planet stays green.
Work with growers who have different labels like MPS, Fair Trade, FPP, Rainforest Alliance, and encourage growers to use Quality labels.Through the Dutch Flower Foundation they are active in projects in the world for the quality of life and improve the welfare of others.
Company Web site: https://www.coloriginz.com/