Anova Seafood

In 1994, Anova Seafood started importing fresh Lake Victoria perch from Lake Victoria, via Kenya. Both directors, Constant Mulder and Willem Huisman, alternately spent time living in Kenya to run the business
Based on keen Dutch business spirit and moral commitment, Anova Seafood became a leading European supplier for both fresh and frozen seafood products. Their sustainability policy ensures high quality sustainable fish for future generations and at the same time helps to create a stable livelihood for local fishermen.
Operating worldwide, the company source and distribute a wide range of fish species like Lake Victoria Perch, Pangasius, Yellowfin Tuna, Tilapia, Claresse, wild and farmed Salmon, Black Tiger and Vannamei shrimp, Cod, Haddock, Alaska Pollack and many more.
Company Contact Details
Product Range
Wild fish category: Lake Victoria Perch, Yellowfin Tuna, Snapper, Greenland Halibut, MSC Cod, MSC Haddock, Wild Salmon, Yellowfin Sole Farm Fish Category: Pangasius, Claresse, Tilapia, Catfish, Shrimp
Trade Fairs that the buyer frequently visit
At the ESE held from 3-5 May in Brussels, the first copies of the of the new Sustainability Review 2011 were handed out. During the press breakfast organized by the Dutch Fish Board on the first morning of the show, Anova presented its brand-new Sustainability Review 2011.
Purchasing Arrangements
The Netherlands: Anova Seafood Head office
With a yearly turnover of forty thousand metric tons of fish fillet, Anova Seafood is a major player in the marketplace for seafood solutions, both fresh and frozen. As an innovative company, continuously expanding their range of products. With buyers offices in Indonesia and Vietnam and reliable partners in numerous countries, They are able to trace the best suppliers for their customers. To maintain their market leadership, they focus their attention on optimising the efficiency of their organisation: Efficiency of production, logistics and order processing enables them to provide premium-quality, sustainable seafood with competitive prices.
Reliable partner
The Anova assortment includes an extended range of natural fish products, both fresh and frozen. From this wide array they select the fish and the packaging concept that best fits the needs of their customers. They are proud to say that Anova has a proven track record as a reliable and flexible partner to many customers across the spectrum – retail, wholesale, and foodservice.
Buying requirements
A five-point strategy for Quality Assurance:
- Follow and aim for the highest standard
- Certified processes (HACCP and BRC) form the core of Quality Assurance, from supplier to customer's door.
- One quality worldwide
- Tracking and tracing system is integrated worldwide. The company communicate through integrated servers, and their quality staff number 7
- people worldwide. They operate a supplier rating system that ensures only choose the best.
- Pro-active communication
- The company provide clear and accurate product specifications to customers and in the unlikely event that they see a delivery that does not meet their standards, their recall procedures have proven to be efficient.
- Educate to stay ahead
- The company ensure that workforce and suppliers remain up to date in their knowledge of cutting-edge procedures and practices.Transparency
- Quality processes are fully transparent for suppliers, customers and consumers.
Standardized Quality Control Procedures Worldwide:
Embedded in processes lie standardized procedures for the food safety and quality. These include:
- An integrated Tracking and Tracing system
- Sampling fresh fish flights at arrival*
- Sampling frozen fish shipments at arrival*
- Inspection on fish on organoleptics at their suppliers
- Daily monitoring and vendor rating (by making quality reports)
- Verification and validation of quality systems and procedures
- Internal and external audits by Bureau Verities Quality International
*Samples are tested and analyzed by accredited laboratories for histamines, bacteria levels, chemical residues and pesticide residues.
Buyer's values
Safe and healthy working environment
Through this Code of Conduct Anova officially commits to "not knowingly conduct trade with companies which do not respect ethical, social, environmental, financial and humanitarian responsibilities. This way the company provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees in the fish supply chain.
Anova Seafood and its business partners, as far as it is reasonably possible:
- Will comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the country of origin as well as in the countries of destination of the fish products.
- Will organize their supply chain with business partners who commit themselves to work in accordance to the Code of Conduct or practise in compliance with internationally recognized standards (GLOBALGAP, FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, International Principles for Responsible Shrimp Farming, MSC or other Codes of Conduct).
- Will collect objective evidence that their products are sourced and produced according to practices which are in line with the Code of Conduct.
- Will contribute to transparency and open communication regarding the supply chain and characteristics of fish products.
- Will actively promote the use of certified sustainable species as an on-going process to ensure the optimal use of these resources.
The objectives of the Code of Conduct are to help Anova Seafood in addressing the following issues:
- Quality and Food Safety
- Transparency
- Environment
- Fishing practices
- Aquaculture practices
- Social and ethical practices.
Quality and Food Safety
Anova Seafood cares that:
A complete HACCP analysis is conducted and a HACCP plan is implemented by every supplier Verification measurements are in place to guarantee that the fish products (ingredients) are safe and comply with applicable legislation. Recall systems are in place when the safety of the products is at stake.
Anova Seafood and its business partners will deploy a policy of openness and endeavour for a traceability scheme from farm / boat to the point of sale. In that respect, Anova Seafood and its business partners, as far as it is reasonably possible, care that:
- All fish products comply with legislation. The origin, traceability codes, the correct product name of the fish, handling and storage instructions are mentioned on the packaging
- Only fish products proved to be in compliance with all applicable (fishery) conservation law and regulations are marketed
- Gross and net weight are according to documentation and labelling
- All ingredients are mentioned on the packaging
- Records to demonstrate compliance with this code are available.
Anova Seafood strongly encourages the use of environmentally sound methods in production,transportation and storage of fish products by facilitating the development and transfer of appropriate technologies.
Anova Seafood and its business partners are aware that certain fishing and aquaculture practices may result in irreversible ecosystem degradation.
Therefore, Anova Seafood and its business partners, as far as it is reasonably possible, care that:
- All business activities are designed and constructed in ways that minimize environmental damage and are in compliance with local legislation
- Good aquaculture and fishing practices are encouraged in support of practical and cost effective strategies to ensure that relevant environmental performance standards are monitored and met
- Appropriate incentives for responsible environmental performance are promoted and sanctions for non-compliance are advocated
- Initiatives to minimize emissions, sediments and waste and all discards associated with aquaculture, fishing, harvesting, processing, storing and transporting practices are encouraged.
- If possible, certificates, for example GlobalGAP, ISO 14000 or similar, are available
- Where no certification is in place, other records of inspection or assessment are encouraged.
Fishing practices
Anova Seafood and its business partners, as far as it is reasonably possible, care that:
- No fish from any illegal source(s) or fished over legal quota is traded within its supply chain
- If possible, certificates of MSC or similar, as a result of independent inspections or audits are available
- Where no certification is in place, other records of inspection or assessment are encouraged
- Conservation and management measures must be in place to ensure the sustainability of fish resources at optimal levels.
- There is active support for the conservation of essential fish ecosystems and the rehabilitation of fish populations and ecosystems
- Initiatives for more selective fishing gear and methods are promoted, including those that reduce unwanted by-catch and discards.
- The use of new technologies, methods and applications that can contribute to minimising the loss of fishing and the ghost fishing effects of lost or abandoned fishing gear is encouraged
- All partners in the chain have access to information on new developments and requirements (Legislation).
Where possible, Anova Seafood and its business partners stimulate good aquaculture practices. All fish should be cultured according to FAO or other available related codes. Special care will be taken for the following points:
- Fish health and welfare are looked after and monitored using carefully planned measures (regarding density, aeration, feeding, water monitoring, quarantine area and time, treatment, vaccination, parasite control, etc.) to make sure that fish is properly treated and medicine used is in accordance with the veterinarian prescription
- No GMO fish or fish products are traded in the whole supply chain
- All chemicals used must be in the approved lists by competent authorities in production and consumption countries
- Conservation and management measures must be in place to ensure the sustainability of fish resources at optimal levels.
- All chemicals are subjected to a strict controlling mechanism in order to assure the fish welfare, quality and safety. The strict control of chemical use needs to take into account the issues like workers health and safety as well as environmental protection
- Fish feed is used in accordance with legislation and regulations of the countries of origin as well as importing countries
- Water is regularly monitored to make sure that it is not contaminated and untreated water is not discharged to the neighbouring communities
- If possible, GlobalGAP certificates or similar, as a result of independent inspections or audits are available
- Where no certification is in place, other records of inspections or assessment are encouraged.
Social and ethical practices
Anova Seafood will not knowingly conduct trade with companies which do not respect ethical, social,environmental, financial and humanitarian responsibilities.
Therefore, Anova Seafood, as far as it is reasonably possible, recommends that their business partners respect the following:
- All business partners in the fish supply chain provide a safe and healthy working environment to their employees and workers. The national and local legislation in this regards must be observed
- Employees and workers throughout the whole supply chain are adequately trained in order to perform their tasks as expected and in line with this code of conduct
- All chemicals used must be in the approved lists by competent authorities in production and consumption countries
- If possible, certificates of SA 8000 or equal, as a result from an independent inspection or audit are available.
- Where no certification is in place, other records of inspection or assessment are encouraged
- No forced labour is used in the whole chain (ILO Conv; 29 and 105)
- The rights of employees and workers to freely join any labour organizations of their choice (ILO Conventions 87 and 98) are respected
- Child labour is prohibited in the whole chain (ILO Conventions 138 and 182)
- No discrimination is tolerated in the fish supply chain (ILO Convention 111)
- Contract arrangements in the fish supply chain are mutually fair and transparent
- Local laws and regulations on workers' wages and benefits are adhered to.
Information Sources