InspireX Private Ltd

InspireX Private Ltd

InspireX, established in 2013, specializes in providing IT services and IT service brokerage to diverse industries worldwide.

We focus our consultancy services towards game changing help transformation of IT services for delivering to add value to our customers and supporting support continual business growth. Our services span across a wide spectrum of software & infrastructure solutions, technology management services and IT strategy formulation. We are only as strong as our people.

Our resource outsourcing services are designed to provide skilled and experienced IT talent for all your resourcing needs.

Our experience runs deep in key functional areas of IT consultancy, Software Development, Application Support & Maintenance, IT Infrastructure Management and IT Service Brokerage.

Company Profile

InspireX Private Ltd

Company Information

Company NameInspireX Private Ltd


Products / Services RangeInformation Technology Consultancy | ERP Services |Software Engineering | Resourcing & Hiring | Application Support & Maintenance

General Contact Info

Address Lotus Building, 2nd Floor, No 275, Nawala Road, Nawala, Sri Lanka.

Telephone(94) 011 484 8464

Contact Information

Contact Person Mr. Sampath Atapattu Managing Director

Telephone (94) 076 843 5548

Email [email protected]


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