The soft, golden coloured and delicate cigar like rolls of Ceylon Cinnamon has long been an essential part of world cuisine and herbal medication yet claims its' origin to the humble cinnamon groves in the Western coast of Sri Lanka.
Although Sri Lanka is mostly celebrated for its' Ceylon Tea, Cinnamon has been among its top exports during the past centuries and most of the world's colonial powers had waged long and gory battles over the monopoly of Ceylon Cinnamon export.
Cinnamon To The World event streaming live on www.cinnamontotheworld.com/events.php at 3.00 p.m. Sri Lankan Time
The demand for value added cinnamon products such as cinnamon leaf oil, bark oil, crushed cinnamon and ground cinnamon for confectionery and other food related industries has increased in the world. Sri Lanka is planning to double cinnamon export earnings by increasing value addition of cinnamon.
Sri Lanka is the largest supplier of cinnamon exports to the world spice market, producing about 85% of international output. However, Sri Lanka ranks well below in value added cinnamon exports to the world market. Other competitor countries make huge profits by adding value to cinnamon exported from Sri Lanka, while Sri Lanka is losing profit due to exporting more raw cinnamon.
New regulations were tabled in Parliament yesterday to standardize and improve the quality of the centuries old cinnamon industry in Sri Lanka by shifting the focus from popular export crops – tea, coconut, and rubber – to the value added cinnamon in the international market.
These regulations published in the Gazette Extraordinary 1813/15, prohibits the export of crushed or ground cinnamon, cinnamon organic, cinnamon quills cut, cinnamon in retail packs of 1kg or less, cinnamon featherings, and cinnamon chips, or cinnamon in any other form being exported without the SLS81:2010 certification specified for Ceylon cinnamon.