The Ministry of Development Strategies and International Trade and the Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) will conduct the second consultation for Sri Lanka’s National Export Strategy (NES) from today. Over 300 public and private sector representatives are expected to attend in order to chart the next export growth cycle of the country.
Created by adding natural flavors of flowers, herbs, and fruits to black, green or oolong teas, flavored Ceylon Tea maintains the natural flavor of Pure Ceylon Tea with a subtle hint of fruity or herbal flavor to enhance your tea drinking experience.
Sri Lanka has a proud heritage of free education from primary to tertiary levels and a youth literacy level of 98%, a feat any middle-income country can be proud of.The country today has a student population of 4 million students at 10,000 schools with over 200,000 teachers within the country’s education system and the Sri Lankan government has taken steps to integrate ICT education to school education curriculum since the year 2006.
The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) on the direction of the Ministry of Development Strategies and International Trade held the second programme of creating awareness for the Central Province entrepreneurs on the developing 2000 new exporters by 2020 on 28th April 2017 at the Central Provincial Council Auditorium of Pallekele, Kandy.
Although tea originated in China nearly 5000 years ago, it is Sri Lanka, then known as Ceylon that made the unique flavor of tea popular across the world during the 19th and 20th centuries.
Distinctively flavored by the terroir, which is the elevation, climate, soil composition and water quality of an area, and the process it is manufactured, the flavor and fragrance of Ceylon Tea vary distinctively from the tea varieties made across the world.
Other than providing warm indulgence or a refreshingly chilled flavor, Ceylon Tea also provides many options for adding a sweet, grassy, herbal or smoky note to our cooking. Different types of Ceylon Tea can bring a different type of texture and flavor to your cooking whether it is soft puddings, buttery cookies, stir-fries or meat dishes.
The good news is in. The perseverance of the incumbent government of Sri Lanka in negotiating with EU to have GSP Plus Concessions reinstated are eventually paying off. The European Commission, the executive body of the European Union, has proposed that Sri Lanka is eligible to receive GSP Plus Concessions. Once it’s
The Sri Lankan blue swimmer crab fishery is a coastal fishery industry, which operates in the relatively shallow waters of Southern tips of Gulf of Mannar across the Palk Straits to the Southern boundary of the Bay of Bengal.
The Sri Lankans have long celebrated the healing goodness of herbal plants and long before tea and coffee were merged into our daily diet as the two main hot drinks, we drank herbal infusions or tisane as the world know it today.
The 22nd edition of the GULFOOD 2017, the largest annual food and beverage trade show in the Middle East will kick off on February 26, 2017, at Dubai World Trade Center, with the participation of over 95,000 stakeholders including food and beverage manufacturers, suppliers and professionals as well as customers from across the world.
While the rest of the world believes in the extreme extraction of gems and diamonds using heavy machinery and state of art mining equipment, gem mining in Sri Lanka is mostly a labor of love heavily dependent on elbow grease and skill than any other machinery.
The Export Development Board (EDB) entered into a promotional agreement with Thai Trade Centre Chennai (TTCC) on 7 February to further develop two-way trade between Sri Lanka and Thailand.
The agreement that was entered into between EDB and TTCC was a result of long and effective discussions between the Sri Lanka Embassy in Thailand, EDB, NGJA and SLGJA. The agreement was signed in the presences of the Ambassador for Thailand in Sri Lanka Nopporn Adchariyavanich at the EDB in Colombo.
With 30 Sri Lankans out of each 100 having access to the internet and one in four households in the country owning at least one computer, Sri Lanka is making strides in increasing IT literacy among school children and youth across the island.
The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) with the coordination of Sri Lanka Embassy in Moscow is organizing a 10 member delegation at the PRODEXPO International Exhibition to be held from 06th to 10th February 2017 at Moscow, Expocentre, Russian Federation.